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Saturday, July 31, 2010

In a rut?

I had someone point something out to me today. It's baffling. My friends from school and I are all intelligent, well-read people, and yet, we fill our summers reading 'L.A. Candy' and 'Behind the Fame: Lady Gaga.' It's not to say that I (or my friends) did not enjoy reading these, but as students at a prestigious, academically focused high school, should we be reading more serious prose? Remember my dream of completing Proust over the summer? Didn't happen. I completed a lot of service, artistic, and academically oriented projects, though. Is that not enough? I think, and mind you, this is just the humble opinion of a blogger, that reading such books, and watching shows like 'Real Housewives: D.C.' (premiere on Thursday!!), helps us balance out our more serious endeavors. At least for me, coming home from a busy school day, or finishing a few heavy articles leaves me brain-dead, and cozying up to something comforting and fluffy is nice. Imagine it like this: if we had all been eating a diet of kale and bok choy (the most nutrient rich foods) for a whole day, it would feel good to come home to some Oreos and a glass of milk. Right? Besides, I'm a pop culture fiend, more Andy Warhol than TMZ. It fascinates me in a really, like, deep way, guys. So I'll read my music memoirs, and watch my reality TV! And at the same time, I'll tell you all about the kinetic molecular theory, and how to pass the APUSH Exam. So there. I'll be enjoying my shallow entertainment, readers. So you should too.

P.S. I went all Vanessa Hudgens today when I painted my nails, a pre-manicure thang just so they don't look empty. I did all fingers white, except for my ring fingers (both hands) which I painted lavender. I'm in love. And thinking about spicing up my back to school manicure plans with the same idea. Only sky blue being the dominant color, and white the accent. Thoughts?


  1. i do not like Vanessa Hudgens. Even the Teen Vogue entertainment director says she's quite the snob.
