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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Freaky Thursday??

So I just finished watching the Season Six finale of Grey's Anatomy. LORDY. It was a wild rollercoaster of emotions. Pregnant, choose, proposal from Mark (wtf?), shooting, Bailey lies, shooting, I hate April Kevner, shooting, Cristina ftw, shooting, Weber wins, shooting, lazy cops, awful SWAT team, shooting. That was basically it. Death And All His Friends is an appropriate title indeed. I have a couple ideas as to why Shonda decided to give us all this violence. I'll share them with you.
1. She has decided that since Law and Order has been cancelled, she should add a crime sector to the show in order to attract EVEN MORE viewers.
2. Yet another bunch of actors (Dr. Percy, Reid, Random Security Guard) have been snatched up by Hollywood a la Katherine Heigl and abruptly chose to leave the show. If they all died by illness it would seem suspicious. And car crashes are been there, done that at Seattle Grace.
3. Shonda is not a fan of the handgun law and decided to bring her political views into the episode with the whole monologue about "I saw this gun off of aisle 8 at the supercenter" *cough* walmart *cough*
Either way, this show had me crying. And that is a RARE occasion. I'm gonna watch it again. So you should too.

1 comment:

  1. OHMYGOSH @ number 3. I told my mom that same crap. She was SOOOOO making it obvious that she is against the private ownership of guns and is totally showing how easy it is to get them......... hahah.
